• Welcome to united industries

    IDEAS Through Rotational Moulding Technology

  • Welcome to united industries

    UNITED INDUSTRIES is a rapidly growing engineering organization.

  • Welcome to united industries

    IDEAS Through Rotational Moulding Technology

About the company


UNITED INDUSTRIES is an Organization, moulding IDEAS through Rotational Moulding Technology.

United Industries emerged from 2021-22 with the persistent efforts and mutual approach pioneered through a highly technified team in the field of Rotational Moulding Technology. An eager leadership backed with steward professionals & excellent infrastructure protracting colossal backbone of United Industries.

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What We’re Offering

moulding IDEAS through Rotational Moulding Technology.

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United Industries is an Organization

United Industries emerged from 2021-22 with the persistent efforts and mutual approach pioneered through a highly technified team in the field of Rotational Moulding Technology.


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Mike Hardson

Founder of Sominx


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